Dual purposed blog: a journal of my experience as an intended parent through surrogacy, and a resource for others going through the same experience.
Also visit my surrogate's blog (Link on the right) for the other half of the story!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Not looking good

Truth be told:  ever since the last blood draw (a week ago?) I've had a feeling this baby is going to miscarry.  It is one of those things that you don't want to say out loud, but i definitely felt that way.  In fact, I told S yesterday that I just felt like the baby would miscarry. 

So today when my phone rang and I saw who was calling I answered it and braced myself for bad news. The nurse from the fertility center told me " the HCG levels are in the 200's.  They are supposed to be in the thousands by now"
 "So does that mean the baby is going to miscarry?"
  "I asked the Nurse Practitioner and she said she has only seen 2 babies make it through a pregnancy with low number...but those babies had numbers in the high hundreds at this point and yours are in the low hundreds.  The NP said she has NEVER seen numbers so low at this point.  So your surrogate is going to have an ultrasound monday to check for an ectopic pregnancy or anything else."  

So basically there is a tiny chance everything could be fine, but it isn't likely.  Very disappointing, but like I said, I was expecting bad news.  So, nothing to do but wait for more bad news. 


  1. I am so sorry!!! Wasnt the embryo done invetro? how could it be a eptopic? Maybe I am a bone head, I thought invetro went straight into the uterus?

  2. Ended up not being Eptopic. but actaully there is an higher incidence of ectopic with IVF. Weird.
