Dual purposed blog: a journal of my experience as an intended parent through surrogacy, and a resource for others going through the same experience.
Also visit my surrogate's blog (Link on the right) for the other half of the story!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Pink or Blue???......

What a highly anticipated day! First of all, it was so fun to see Vanessa and her pregnant belly in person. I haven't seen her at all since she has been pregnant. I'm infatuated with her bump : )
I picked up Vanessa and we headed to Provo for the ultrasound. It was so fun to just know I was so close to my unborn child (instead of hundreds of miles away). S. had to stay in Illinois and work so I decided to make sure that it was well photographed/videoed for his behalf so I asked my sister to come along as photographer only. (she did a great being in a photographer-only role).
Our ultrasound tech was awesome. She took a few extra pictures and spent some time with us. Baby is healthy and perfect size. But more importantly, our baby is very obviously a boy!!! It was so much fun and such an emotional moment. I felt like I was in a daze much comparable to the daze I was in while in the sealing room on my wedding day. What a dream come true!!! S. and I have wanted a boy so much...I just can't believe it is actually going to happen!.
I have to say that it was a little different being the one sitting next to the ultrasound table. But I felt an odd sence of ownership of that bump from the first time I saw it. Sortof hard to put to words the feelings that I had on a day like that. Vanessa mentioned as we were leaving that her cheeks hurt from smiling. As I was driving away from the clinic and calling people I realized that I was starting to suffer from the same problem-- my cheeks hurt!
What a perfectly beautiful day. I wish S could have been here to share it with me in person, but I know how much it means to him. When I told him and he was silent for a few seconds I knew what his face must have looked like. Overcome. What a miricle this all is.
After a few unsucessful attempts to blog last night (computer trouble) I ended up checking out baby boy clothes online. So much fun!

I could not get blogger to upload pictures, so here is a link to them. I'll try again later.


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